Meet the Team ! 

Robert has traveled extensively for work over the years. His work experience has taken him through 40+ states and often multiple airports and communities in each state. These trips afforded experiences with various airlines, multiple hotel chains, rental car companies, and local cuisine and dining spots and attractions. Though a well versed business traveler, Robert also spends plenty of leisure time vacationing and traveling with his wife and family. An avid researcher, he enjoys the challenge of planning the ideal logistics to maximize the opportunity to experience and explore various travel destinations.




Trisha has always enjoyed traveling and experiencing new and exciting destinations. Just before starting college, Trisha traveled to Europe and spent three weeks visiting, exploring, and experiencing the cuisine and culture- and of course the tourist hot spots. Since then she has taken advantage of opportunities to accompany Robert on his business travels and also plan family trips and couples getaways. From Barrow, AK to Kona, HI or the streets of Havana, Cuba, Trisha has enjoyed opportunities to get out and explore and immerse herself in each destination. Whether it’s finding unique hiking spots, photographic landscapes, guided tours, or important cultural/historical landmarks or locations to visit and explore, Trisha is certain to ensure there is never a dull moment or missed opportunity.

Travel Advisor Specializing in Disney Destinations